I climbed Uluru – or ‘Ayer’s Rock’ as it was called then – on the 11th of August 1985 in 29 minutes. There were no signs advising not to climb and the national park was yet to be handed back to the Anangu traditional owners (it did later that year in October – see https://parksaustralia.gov.au/uluru/pub/fs-handback.pdf).
The rock is as large and awe-inspiring as its made out to be. Had lunch under some trees. Then walked to the far side, up and down ridges. Almost a martian landscape, rock was crumbling and coming off in layers. A few rock pools about.
Came across a pair of Wedge-tailed eagles preening. I stalked them with my telephoto and got pretty close before they took off. Captured them in flight.
Only one other group up there when I came down at 5.30pm. A brilliant deep red colour underfoot as the sun descended – I didn’t want to get off.